RGC contributes to the fight against HIV and AIDS

Through our HIV and AIDS classes, we have disseminated information about the pandemic and the results have been commendable. Some girls have gone back home and encouraged their family members to be tested. A number of girls tell of how their parents who were sick for long without knowing the real cause of their sickness, and how after being tested were found to be positive and are now on anti-retroviral treatment and their health has improved. 99% of our girls go for voluntary testing and counselling while they are in training. Those who are HIV positive benefit a lot during training as they are equipped to fight discrimination which they so often face in their homes and communities due to the stigma attached to the virus. The HIV and AIDS workshops that are held in the communities are helpful not only to the Rafiki girls but also to all those other girls who are invited and participate during these events.

Overall Impact Of The Rafiki Project